Core Concept: Give opportunities to those who want to do something, stages to those who can do something, and good treatment to those who have done something. Promote the talented and use the capable

1. The principle of putting equal stress on virtue and ability. Select and use talents according to the requirements of comprehensive measurement and equal stress on virtue and ability; adhering to regarding those who have virtue but no talents are mediocre; those who have talents but no virtue are villain, and not neglecting virtue or talents.
2. The principle of “Effect Theory”. In terms of talent employment, we focus on ability but not education background and on level but not diploma. No matter what social status you have, what your education background is or how old you are, as long as you can do better than the others and make outstanding performance, we shall use you and put you in an important position boldly. Currently, the average age of our technical personnel and intermediate management is around 35 years old and that of our workshop directors is around 30. Although these people are not that old, some of them even do not have a high academic degree, they are capable, hardworking and have made performance. The talent employment mechanism under “Effect Theory” has made a large number of talents with both virtue and ability stand out and become the pillars of enterprise development.

3. The principle of “Practice First”. “It needs to burn the jade for three full days to inspect whether the jade is true or fake, and it needs seven years to identify the tree texture”. Over the years, we have arranged the professional talents in the front production line first, have them improved in practice and then select and promote the excellent through open exams.  

4. The principle of “Survival of the Fittest”. In terms of selection of talents, we have transformed from “judging the value of a talent by looking at his external conditions” to “judging the value of a talent through completion in practice”. We will put those who does the best in the important position; otherwise, he can only be eliminated. 

5. The principle of “Everyone is a talent”. In terms of the use of talents, we use them according to their talents. As long as he can give full play to his talents and wisdom in the right position, he is a talent in a sense. Guided by this principle, we arrange every employee to relatively suitable positions according to his/her ability, advantages experience, character, etc., achieving making everyone give full play to their talents and promoting the sustainable, rapid and efficient development of the company.